A Photograph Summary Class11 Poetry Section (NCERT) Shirley Toulson Hi, guys, I am approaching you after a long time, so I am quite nervous and excited. Today I am going to give you the summary of 'A Photograph' in simple and easy words. So, let's get started. Shirley Toulson's 'Photograph' beautifully describes three stages of time. The poet is looking at an old photograph. It shows his mother and her two cousins Betty and Dolly. The photograph shows that the poet's mother then was a girl of twelve. They were on a holiday trip to the beach. They posed for a photograph. Her uncle captured in his camera the sweet smile of the three cousins and the sea which washed their terribly transient feet. Years rolled by. Twenty or thirty years passed. The poet vividly remembers how his mother laughed looking at the old photograph. She pointed out to her cousins Betty and Dolly how they dressed for the occasion. Bu...
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